My Home

by American Landscapes
My Home
American Landscapes
Photograph - Photograph
About the Image...
I had been hunting for the Salt River Wild Horses for well over an hour with no luck, but ran into another photographer in the Salt River looking for the horses and both we decided to just hang out and wait to see if they would eventually come to us. Sure enough, after about 20 minutes they did and we spent a solid hour with them in the river. This stallion had slowly moved himself into a position where he could easily see his family in front of him and also keep an eye on me just case I moved somewhere that he wasn't comfortable with, i.e. getting too close to his family. His ears are pinned back because he was listening to the sounds of another band of horses that were also approaching the river.
This photograph received international recognition through Salt River Wild Horse advocacy groups.
December 29th, 2015